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    Observing good oral practices and visiting your dentist often are crucial to maintaining good oral health. However, your oral health can only be as good as the dentist you choose. Choosing the right one can be daunting with so many dentists in Lakewood. The Lakewood Dentist provides personalized and compassionate dental care using the latest dental technology. We have provided Lakewood residents with a wide range of dental services for many years. Our expert dentists will be glad to examine you and recommend the appropriate dental treatment. Call us at 562-423-1441 to speak to one of our dentists.

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      Endodontics Services


      All PPO Insurance Accepted


      Free Dental Exams & X-Rays


      Financing Available

      Tooth damage is a severe problem that can result in tooth loss. Losing a natural tooth is unpleasant and can gravely affect oral health. For example, it can cause the remaining teeth to shift, altering their appearance and causing you a bad bite. When missing natural teeth, you could also experience difficulties eating, speaking, or smiling. Tooth loss also causes your jawbone to deteriorate. That is why dentists find ways to restore your damaged natural tooth.

      Tooth damage occurs for several reasons, including accidents, cavities, or dental decay. If the cause of your tooth damage is its inner tissues, your dentist can remove the affected tissues to prevent further damage to your teeth and alleviate your pain. This is what endodontics is all about. It is a field of dentistry that deals with removing inner tooth tissues that could be diseased or inflamed. Endodontic services often come before dental restorative treatment, like installing dental crowns to restore the strength and functionality of an impacted tooth.

      Examples of endodontic services your dentist can recommend are root canal therapy, endodontic treatment, and endodontic surgery. The exact treatment your dentist will recommend will depend on the underlying problem with your tooth. You need these services if you injure one or more teeth or if your teeth are damaged due to an untreated dental issue like a cavity or decay.

      Extracting a diseased tooth seems like the best solution to rid you of the pain and other symptoms you are experiencing, but that will leave you without a natural tooth. Also, dental restorative procedures are expensive and time-consuming. Endodontic procedures aim to save the natural teeth from extraction and your time and money.

      Our skilled dentists at The Lakewood Dentist have the information and knowledge you need to understand more about endodontic services and your dental issues. You can count on our expert care and help if you need treatment for a damaged tooth in Lakewood.

      An Overview of Endodontic Services

      Your dental and oral health are as vital as your general well-being. Caring for your natural teeth and mouth ensures you enjoy healthy and functional teeth, gums, and jawbone. A problem with your teeth can affect their functionality, how you eat and speak, and your general health. Dentists work round the clock to ensure you have strong and healthy teeth and all the tissues and structures involved. If a problem occurs, a dentist is always ready and willing to help you with the problem and restore your oral health.

      The oral problems that people experience are diverse. Different fields of dentistry are available to help prevent and treat dental issues and restore damaged teeth and structures. Dentists also offer cosmetic dentistry services to improve how you look and feel. When you seek a dentist’s help with a dental problem, their main goal should be to treat the underlying issue and try their best to retain the natural teeth. Well-trained dentists will not be quick to extract a problematic tooth unless in situations where extraction is in your oral health’s best interest.

      Endodontics is an area of dentistry focusing on the most complicated dental problems affecting the underlying structures of natural teeth. When the root or pulp of your natural tooth is impacted, it affects that tooth’s health, appearance, and functionality. However, an endodontist can treat the underlying structure without extracting or altering the appearance of your natural tooth. Some underlying issues endodontists treat include those that damage the pulp or pulpitis and those that have to do with sudden injuries and tooth decay.

      The pulp is the natural tooth’s inner layer. It contains nerves and blood vessels. When dangerous bacteria infect these structures, they can become infected. The problem can start with inflammation, which is usually painful and causes the tooth to become sensitive. An endodontist will first examine the affected tooth and its underlying structures to establish the exact problem and the problem’s location. They will then use advanced strategies and tools to treat the problem. Several treatment options are available for these problems, including root canal therapy and endodontic surgery.

      The dentist’s aim during treatment would be to remove infected structures to stop the infection. The dentist will then fill the remaining void to give your tooth structure and restore its appearance and strength. These treatments relieve your symptoms and save the natural tooth from extraction.

      Root Canal Therapy

      You need root canal therapy if an infection on your tooth due to a cavity extends to the tooth’s underlying structures. Your tooth becomes painful and sensitive and can swell as the infection progresses deep into the roots and pulp.

      Dentists recommend good oral hygiene as one of the ways you can maintain clean and healthy teeth. Good oral hygiene comprises brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing daily to remove stuck food particles from your teeth. When cleaning your teeth, you must be careful enough to reach all areas in your mouth to remove dirt and any food particles that could be stuck in the hard-to-reach areas.

      If you do not care for your teeth, the dangerous bacteria can cause a buildup, eating away the enamel and causing cavities. The bacteria will continue feeding on your enamel and can progress to the teeth’s underlying structures if you do not take immediate action once you notice the buildup. When the bacteria extend to the underlying systems, they become inflamed and later infected. The best possible solution for an infected pulp is to remove it and clean up the infected part.

      The bacteria in the south aid in the digestion of food. It can remain harmless until it comes into contact with food particles in the mouth. When that happens, it releases an acid that causes a dangerous buildup on your teeth and gums. If more acid is released in your mouth over time, the buildup increases, causing problems with your teeth and gums. The buildup is the leading cause of severe oral conditions like cavities and gum disease. If you fail to practice good oral hygiene, you end up with cavities or dental decay, which exposes your teeth’s inner structures to inflammation and infection.

      Root canal therapy is a popular endodontic treatment procedure for infected underlying structures. It involves removing the infected structures to relieve discomfort and pain. Additionally, the dentist saves your natural tooth.

      Typical Signs You Need Root Canal Treatment

      A dentist will recommend root canal therapy after thoroughly examining your teeth, gums, and underlying structures. But here are some indications that your tooth’ underlying structures are infected, and you could undergo root canal treatment:

      1. You Have a Prolonged Toothache

      A toothache is always an indication that something is wrong with your tooth. If you have tried all possible home remedies and still have an aching tooth, you could have a cavity and a possible infection of the tooth’s pulp. An infected tooth will be painful, which could radiate to the jaw. It is necessary to seek treatment immediately after you experience the pain.

      1. Tooth Sensitivity

      An infected root will cause your tooth to become sensitive, especially to hot and cold drinks and foods. It is because the infection affects the underlying nerves. If the sensitivity does not subside after several seconds, your dentist could recommend root canal therapy.

      1. Tooth Abscess

      An infection in the mouth sometimes causes you to develop gum boils. They appear as pimples on the gums around the problematic teeth, filled with pus. The abscess is usually very painful. Your dentist can examine the boil, the tooth, and the tooth’s underlying structure to recommend root canal therapy.

      1. Extreme Pain When Biting Down

      If your tooth is extremely painful when you bite down, like chewing or biting food, its underlying structures could be infected. The pain comes from infected nerves.

      1. Tooth Discoloration

      An infected tooth sometimes becomes darker than it previously was. The infection of its underlying structures affects the blood flow to the tooth, causing it to become discolored.

      1. Chipped or Cracked Teeth

      If you have chipped or cracked teeth, keeping them clean becomes a challenge. Food particles will find their way into the cracks and will be difficult to remove with regular brushing and flossing. In most cases, these areas are usually the first to suffer when the bacteria combine with the stuck food particles to cause inflammation and infections in the mouth. The cracks or chips on the tooth could also be the easiest way for dangerous bacteria to enter your tooth’s underlying structures.

      If you experience some or most of these symptoms, a dentist will examine you and recommend the best treatment. Dentists recommend root canal therapy in situations where they can save the natural tooth, remove the infection, and stop its spread. Root canal therapy may precede a restorative procedure like dental implants or dental crowns to restore the strength and functionality of the affected tooth.

      Preparing for Root Canal Therapy

      Root canal therapy does not happen on the day the dentist has examined and diagnosed you. It takes several visits to the dentist’s office to complete the procedure. You can prepare for treatment by doing the following:

      It could take two or more visits to the dentist’s office for root canal therapy. It mainly depends on how extensive the infection on your tooth is. The treatment process itself takes about an hour or less.

      The Treatment Procedure

      All dental-related treatments and procedures start with thoroughly examining your mouth, teeth, gums, jawbone, and underlying structures. The dentist must first be sure what they are dealing with before recommending treatment. For root canal therapy, the dentist must order an X-ray exam to establish the location and extent of the disease and nerve damage. Here are typical steps that the doctor will take during treatment:

      If you suffer anxiety when undergoing an invasive dental procedure, anesthesia will help you go through the treatment with minimal worries and pain.

      If you have been in excruciating pain before root canal therapy, you will feel relief from pain and other symptoms immediately following the treatment. Here are some other benefits you enjoy after root canal treatment:

      Root canal therapy is generally a safe treatment. But you must work with a skilled endodontist to enjoy a safe and effective process.

      Endodontic Treatment

      If you undergo successful root canal therapy, your teeth can remain healthy and strong forever. But you must practice good oral hygiene and care for your gums and teeth to prevent the recurrence of infections. However, some patients do not experience absolute relief after root canal treatment. If the treatment is not successful, you could continue to experience pain, sensitivity, and discomfort following the treatment. You should report your symptoms to the dentist immediately after they begin. If, after examination, the dentist realizes that root canal treatment was not successful, they can recommend endodontic treatment to save the natural tooth and manage your symptoms.

      All dental procedures do not guarantee results. Some work very well for some patients but fail for others. Some patients enjoy good results for years after root canal treatment. But the procedure fails for others. For example, if the dentists did not treat the narrow canals well after the process or you took a long time after the root canal to undergo dental restoration,. If the dentist does not clean out the infection well or the infection recurs after root canal therapy, you will soon start experiencing fresh symptoms of a tooth infection.

      Before undergoing treatment for the second time on the same tooth, your dentist will explain the cause of the reinfection and your treatment options. If you decide to undergo treatment, the dentist will open the tooth again to inspect the filling material used during root canal therapy. The treatment process involves disassembling the restoration material.

      Drilling the tooth once more gives the dentist access to the inner structures of the affected tooth. The dentist will use that tunnel to clean the root canals again and inspect the area to ensure it is infection-free. The tunnel allows the dentist to insert instruments and tools they need for treatment. Once they clean and disinfect the canals, the dentist will temporarily fill the area using dental filling material.

      Endodontic treatment is expensive. Remember that this treatment comes after a failed root canal. It means you will incur an additional cost after paying for root canal therapy to undergo treatment. But the price is incomparable to the relief you obtain after a successful treatment. It also saves your natural tooth and the cost of treatment if you lose the tooth to infection.

      Endodontic Surgery

      You could need surgery if your tooth infection becomes severe or complicated. In cases where root canal therapy is insufficient to remove an infected pulp and prevent further disease, dentists recommend surgical treatment. Surgery can also help in cases where root canal therapy or any other endodontic treatment is insufficient to save the natural tooth. However, it is recommended as the last resort when the dentist has tried or is unsure of different treatment options.

      Surgical treatment is a very effective option to rid your tooth of infected pulp. It entails opening the affected tooth to access and better view the affected area. Surgical treatment is beneficial in these ways:

      The Procedure

      The dentist starts the treatment by administering anesthesia to keep you comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. It is necessary to let your dentist know of any allergies you have so that they can take precautions when administering anesthesia and recommending medications.

      The dentist will make a surgical incision in the affected tooth. The incision will open the gum and give the dentist access to the infected tooth’s root.

      They will remove the infected tissues and the tooth’s root end, clean up the entire area, and place a filling material to seal the canal.

      The dentist will also examine your tooth structures for abnormalities, damage, and cracks. If everything is okay, they will place the gum back in its position.

      Find a Competent General Dentist Near Me

      If you have an infected tooth due to a cavity, tooth extraction is not an ideal solution for it. Skilled dentists recommend extraction when they cannot salvage a severely damaged tooth. If a dentist can save your tooth, they could recommend endodontic treatment to treat the infection.

      Saving your natural tooth is our top priority at The Lakewood Dentist. We strive to keep the natural tooth to maintain your natural good bite, keep your jawbone strong and in shape, and keep you enjoying functional teeth. That is why we have highly skilled endodontists to perform root canal treatment, endodontic treatment, or endodontic surgery. We recommend treatment according to the nature and severity of your tooth infection. For more information and guidance on endodontic services in Lakewood, contact us at 562-423-1441.

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      Find a Dentists Near Me

      Your smile is one of your defining features, and you should trust your oral and general health to an upstanding dental practice. The experienced team at The Lakewood Dentist is happy to be your family’s primary resource for practical and gentle dental services. With the proper care, you can enjoy a healthy, beautiful, and lasting smile, and we are excited to assist you in reaching your goals! Whether your smile needs restorative care to repair damaged teeth, cosmetic care to enhance your smile’s appearance, or you are looking for a new dentist to care for your family, we have your ultimate solution.

      Our friendly dentists welcome patients throughout Lakewood to discover why many choose us to meet their oral health needs. Whether you want to establish ongoing care, are new to the area, or want to discover how state-of-the-art technology can assist you feel and look your best, our practice has the technology, personalized approach, and skills you deserve. We will ensure you are comfortable during your visit.

      Contact our friendly team today at 562-423-1441 to learn more about our broad range of services and to get started!
