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    Healthy Foods for Your Teeth and Gums


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    Everyone has a moral obligation to maintain their dental health. Most often, this calls for strenuous efforts to maintain oral hygiene through practices such as flossing, brushing, using mouthwash, and scraping off the tongue. Eating the right food can also help maintain good teeth. This article covers some of the healthy foods that are beneficial for your teeth and gums.


    Yogurt is a milk byproduct that benefits your oral health. It contains probiotics, a type of bacteria that actively inhibits the growth of germs responsible for cavities. In addition, it is rich in calcium, which maintains strong teeth.


    Cheese, as one of milk’s by-products, comprises different components that are beneficial to our gums and teeth. Cheese has calcium, which strengthens bones. Moreover, the casein protein found in cheese helps fortify dental enamel, thereby preventing cavities.


    All these nutrients can be obtained from milk since it is the main ingredient used in making cheese as well as yogurt, including among others casein and calcium. Milk also contains phosphorus minerals that are key to enamel strengthening. Dentists often suggest drinking a glass of milk after consuming sugary products to rinse away any bacteria that could have accumulated while eating or drinking such products.

    Green Leafy Vegetables

    Examples include arugula, kale, collard greens, and spinach, which belong to this family of vegetables with leaves on them and are thus known for their leafy green nature. These plants are rich in various minerals like antioxidants, magnesium, vitamins A, K, and C, calcium, folate, iron, fiber, and potassium, to name a few. Iron supports healthy gums, while calcium, magnesium, and iron contribute to better enamel health.

    Additionally, even just chewing this kind of green vegetable activates the salivation process; hence acting like a natural mouthwash and helping saliva wash away acids and food particles. Besides, calcium and vitamin C are essential for reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of gum disease.

    Although leafy greens are vegetables, they do not contain some vital nutrients that can be found in other vegetables, such as broccoli and butternut squash, among others. These vegetables have a unique antibacterial substance called lentinan, which fights germs and prevents plaque buildup.


    Drinking water comes with a variety of benefits for the body, including gums and teeth. The following are some of the benefits of water for oral health:

    When you eat acidic foods, pH levels change in your mouth. However, when you take water since its pH level is neutral, it always keeps up with this neutral pH level.


    Fish is enriched with three vital nutrients, namely, oils, Vitamin D, and Omega-3. Periodontal disease is relieved by Omega-3 while fish oils protect gums from gum diseases. Lastly, vitamin D allows the body to absorb calcium, which is a mineral necessary for healthy teeth.


    For dental health promotion, nuts have a hard texture. Almonds as well as peanuts, which are packed with vitamin D and calcium are important in strengthening teeth and gums. Recent studies suggest that the polyunsaturated fat components of nuts might be game changers in fighting gum disease because they reduce inflammation.


    Meat is a nutrient powerhouse that plays an essential role in maintaining oral health. It contains potassium, salt, calcium, and vitamin D which are very vital elements. Although it lacks casein, a milk-derived bacteria fighter, meat compensates with other valuable substances, such as the liver, which is a great source of vitamin D, and strengthens teeth and gums.

    Fruits with Acid

    Examples of acidic fruits include lemons, cranberries, grapes, pineapples, blue plums, apples, mangoes, peaches, and oranges, among others. Vitamin C content varies among them, but all contain this vitamin highly. As mentioned before, vitamin C strengthens the gum line and protects teeth from bacterial invasion during diseases like gingivitis.

    On the other hand, fruits that have a crunchy texture, like apples, will help maintain good oral health because they also contain high amounts of water.

    To avoid increasing acidity in your mouth, leading to tooth enamel erosion, one should not take too many acidic fruits. After eating this class of fruits, drinking lots of water would prevent enamel damage.


    Chewing gum can benefit your oral health, regardless of what most people believe about it. This is due to an increased flow rate of saliva secretions during the mastication process, which removes any acid formed around its surrounding areas thereby neutralizing them all together. Chewing gum after meals is therefore advised for good oral health.

    Chewing gum can be beneficial for your dental health, but not when it is sugary gum, which might harm your teeth. Consequently, if you desire to keep your precious pearls intact, you may consider sugarless chewing gum.


    Technically, carrots are vegetables, but they have a great role in promoting oral health. They are very effective at fighting dental decay and plaque. Chewing raw carrots acts as a natural toothbrush.

    Additionally, chewing stimulates saliva production, which helps to neutralize bacteria and plaque while removing future tartar buildup from the teeth’s surface. Carrots are rich in biotin, vitamin K1, and potassium, among others that are essential for maintaining healthy teeth.


    Garlic is a well-known ingredient used in many households that has some surprising benefits. This protects gums from periodontal diseases, which most people do not know about. Garlic has powerful antibacterial properties. Therefore, it prevents the build-up of harmful bacteria responsible for causing gum disease. Garlic also possesses significant quantities of vitamin C, an antimicrobial agent known to many.

    Whole Grain

    Whole grains are filled with nutrients and minerals that help maintain good dental health. Research has shown that eating whole grains reduces the chances of gum diseases as well as helps to protect teeth against negative effects caused by excessive consumption of sugar. Chewing whole grains also aids in the maintenance of strong teeth because it requires a bit of struggle to chew them. You would possibly want to think about introducing whole grains in your diet, such as cereals, popcorn, crackers, and spaghetti among others for the sake of improving dental health.


    The ginger you know about is good, but there’s a lot more to it. This spice can do more for your teeth than just make them taste great, and here’s how:


    Raw onions give you bad breath. But they also have strong bacteria-fighting powers that help prevent cavities and gum diseases by killing harmful infection-causing bacteria. Surprisingly, this effect is stronger in raw than cooked onions.


    Kiwi fruit is loaded with vitamins that help keep teeth healthy. They contain vitamin C, which helps prevent gingivitis and promotes healthy gums.

    Adding these fruits to your diet will also lead you away from the path of hard sweets that may break your teeth. However, dentists recommend rinsing off any sugar residue with water because, despite being naturally sweet, kiwis contain sugar.

    Finally, one must never ignore the significance of kiwi seeds on our dental well-being. These tiny black seeds are rich sources of protein antioxidants and omega-3 fats all necessary for maintaining good oral hygiene. But if you wish to avoid the little seeds that can easily get stuck between teeth should be avoided.


    Not as acidic as other citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons so pears are perfect for those who want to enjoy citrus’ oral healthcare advantages without having to worry about high acidity levels or anything similar. Moreover, their rough texture keeps your teeth strong while cleaning up your gums!

    Shiitake Mushroom

    Their antifungal and antibacterial compounds make shiitake mushrooms an effective tool for curbing gum disease as well as caries. This implies the need for a multifactorial approach to outstanding dental health that includes suitable nutrition, and good oral hygiene practices, among others.


    There’s a reason why we’re always told to eat our greens. Adding celery to your diet will greatly enhance your oral health. Vegetables are generally healthy. However, celery is an exception because it contains anti-inflammatory qualities. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet can help you avoid gum diseases that are largely related to inflammation.

    Again, the crunchiness of celery stalks causes saliva flow with their antimicrobial effect to maintain the pH balance of the mouth. Besides strengthening gums and teeth by chewing this stalk, it also plays a natural preventative role against plaque and tartar.


    If you’re into sushi then wasabi is one thing you should not skip out on! Raw fish is normally sprinkled with wasabi, primarily because it has antimicrobial properties. It is a way by which bacteria can be defeated hence protecting teeth from germs: it prevents gum diseases and tooth infections.

    Sweet Potatoes

    Vitamin A found in sweet potatoes helps maintain mucus membranes as well as soft tissues in the gums. It also helps retain the keratin necessary for the formation of tooth enamel.

    Sesame Seeds

    Sesame seeds may be small but they have tremendous benefits when it comes to our oral health care.


    These so-called “nature’s candy” give us more than just a sugar rush. They have numerous dental benefits. These include:

    Red Wine

    People may not know this but red wine is good for your teeth. A recent study found that red wine’s polyphenols have antioxidant properties that stop bacterial growth by blocking the adhesion of bacteria to teeth. Keep in mind that coffee also contains polyphenols. However, its sugary ingredients decrease its overall dental health benefits.

    Nutrients Required for Healthy Gums and Teeth

    There are several nutrients needed to maintain good oral health:

    Phosphorus and Calcium

    Minerals are used to repair tooth enamel damaged by acidic foods and drinks. Phosphorus and calcium are two such minerals required for tooth enamel development. You can improve your oral health by eating foods rich in these minerals.

    Crunchy Foods with High Water Content

    Hard, crunchy, or liquid foods provide multiple advantages for your teeth. First off, chewing aids in the production of saliva, which acts as a natural antiseptic as well as a neutralizer. Also, their natural abrasiveness allows them to scrub food particles off the tooth surface, removing any plaque that could develop.

    Vitamin C

    When consumed within healthy limits, this vitamin strengthens blood vessel walls and reduces inflammation. It is necessary for maintaining healthy gums since it is responsible for collagen production and preventing periodontal disease (gum disease). In certain cases where we lack enough vitamin C, our gums can become so infected with bacteria that they lead to periodontal disease.

    Vitamin D

    General body well-being depends on having adequate vitamins, including healthy tooth maintenance. For instance, calcium absorption into the body requires key action from Vitamin D which is good for dental health.

    However, not all the components necessary to maintain healthy teeth and gums are classified as primary nutrients. They include:

    Find a Lakewood Dental Care Expert Near Me

    The type of food you eat can impact your oral health. That’s why it’s important to consult with a professional about your diet if you want to keep your gums and teeth healthy. Additionally, routine checks with a qualified dentist will ensure that your teeth are in great condition. At The Lakewood Dentist, we have incredibly satisfying services and deliver quality dental care. To learn more about our dental health plans and services, call us today at 562-423-1441.

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    Your smile is one of your defining features, and you should trust your oral and general health to an upstanding dental practice. The experienced team at The Lakewood Dentist is happy to be your family’s primary resource for practical and gentle dental services. With the proper care, you can enjoy a healthy, beautiful, and lasting smile, and we are excited to assist you in reaching your goals! Whether your smile needs restorative care to repair damaged teeth, cosmetic care to enhance your smile’s appearance, or you are looking for a new dentist to care for your family, we have your ultimate solution.

    Our friendly dentists welcome patients throughout Lakewood to discover why many choose us to meet their oral health needs. Whether you want to establish ongoing care, are new to the area, or want to discover how state-of-the-art technology can assist you feel and look your best, our practice has the technology, personalized approach, and skills you deserve. We will ensure you are comfortable during your visit.

    Contact our friendly team today at 562-423-1441 to learn more about our broad range of services and to get started!
